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Sunday, February 6, 2011

FASHION SPOTLIGHT: Deedazzle by Design

Well, i have a private facebook group called "The Portal" basically a whole bunch of 'differenters' who get together, network, talk about politics, religion, spirituality, and everything else regular folks can't comprehend. One of my lovely members plugged 'Deedazzle by Design' i was ABSOLUTELY amazed. the jewelry is BEAUTIFUL no to mention UNIQUE, so you know i had to blog about it. In the meantime SUPPORT BLACK BUSINESS! and shop with Deedazzle by Design


Contact Info
Twitter: @Deedazzlebydesign
Main Website:

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HUSTLE.PRAY.LOVE | Interventionview with Femcee "Bella" on Hip Hop's Contribution to Society

'I don't believe in sugar coating, we can't fix a problem until we acknowledge there is one'

5K got the chance to sit down with On The Rise Artist Bella, Who caught my attention via twitter. Bella is definitely fiery, fierce, glamorous, and most importantly socially aware. An ATL transplant via Cleveland OH, at the age of 22, Bella is ready to take the world by storm. She has survived a life threatening car accident, undergone 4 fatal surgeries and is still ready to give the music industry her BEST foot forward. Not only has she proved she can stand tall in the face of adversity, the fact that her icons are prestigious civil rights leaders such as Malcolm X is HIGHLY impressive. Even more impressive is her hit single "Came To Party" which will take you back to hip hop's golden days in the 80s. Not only did she join us to showcase her talent but also she gives a wonderful in depth view on Hip Hop's Contribution to Society all i can get familiar..


5K: When did you decide you wanted to pursue the music industry?

Bella: When I was 10 my brother (Chief) put me on the hook to one of his tracks. I always loved music but at that point I had connected physically with it & I just knew this was for me.

5K: You have a VERY dope single "came to party", how did that come about?

Bella: Thank you! Lol I was actually joking when I first started writing the hook to the song. It was when I began the verses that I realized it was real to me. I like to enjoy myself when I'm out, save the drama for the soaps, ya know? So that's basically where it originated from, just wanting to have a good time & enjoy life without the nonsense.

5K: What's the number one problem being a female artist for you?

Bella: For me, (in past experience) it's not being treated as an equal when it comes to my opinion. Most female artist are categorized as "Hardcore" or "Sexually Explicit". I'm much more than that, though I have those moments, I don't want to be boxed in.

5K: In your opinion, why is there a shortage of female rappers?

Bella: Because of the strong male influence on who female artist should be in this game. Not to put the blame solely on the guys, but in my experience they try to give you a "voice" and "image". Why would it make sense for men to dictate what a "female artist" should be spitting to a "female audience"? I'm a woman, I relate to women, allow me to express that freely.

5K: Hip hop or Rap?

Bella: A balance of both, but honestly you'd have to ask the people.

5K: To you, what's the difference between hip hop and rap?

Bella: In my opinion, Hip Hop substance, more lyrical content, messages, story telling and purpose. Rap is the ability to rhyme. Not to take away from rap though, they're both art forms.

5K: What's the difference between being a rapper or being an MC?

Bella: I think a rapper can rhyme an MC can intrigue you with words.

5K: Do you think it's possible to be a socially aware artist and mainstream?

Bella: Most def! Balance is EVERYTHING to me. I've lived in the hood, I've lived in the heights so I'm well balanced in life. Artist, like J.Cole, also embody that balance you need to appeal to the streets and the schools, metaphorically. That's my goal. To remain socially aware and be able to successfully go mainstream.

5K: Talent or business?

Bella: 100% talent 100% business. I LOVE MUSIC, seeing genuine talent inspires me and that's what music should do; inspire you. But business is just as important, it protects you. Paul Stanley of the band KISS once said "It's very easy in this business to find people who are willing to put their arm around you and tell you how great you are. Unfortunately, their other hand is in your pocket."

5K: How do you feel about the context of today's music?

Bella: I think it has low standards. But as the people we have the power to change that. What we except determines what's put out, ya know?

5K: In order, which ones more important to you, lyrics, delivery or beat?

Bella: The Beat, because it speaks to me and sets the tone for what I want to write. Delivery, because the way words are projected can determine whether a person listens or not. Your lyrics lose weight if your delivery is wack. Lastly Lyrics, because they allow me to express myself in ways that nothing else does. Honestly, it's hard because you can't have one without the other and be great.

5K: Give us two bars of your favorite rap lyrics.

Bella: "I will not lose for even in defeat, there's a valuable lesson learned so it evens it up for me" - Jigga

5K: Who's your favorite Social or Civil Rights leader and why?

Bella: MALCOLM X, without a doubt! He inspires me in much of what I do. Musically I wish to be the equivalent of what he wanted to be for the black community. A leader and fighter for the people. ALL people.

5K: How important do you feel music is to politics and society?

Bella: Just as important as the news, if not more. Some kids learn through lyric. It's influence is obvious. What Queen Latifah, N.W.A, and Tupac rapped about was current to what was and wasn't being said on the news at that time. That's what the majority of todays music is missing and I hate that.

5K: What's your favorite socially aware song?

Bella: I'd have to say right now Wale "Diary" just because that song brings me to tears always. It really touched home with soo many young black females, including myself, it was a mirror for me.

5K: What will you bring to the table as an artist?

Bella: Hope. I felt like Obama saying that in my head lol. But, I do. I want to bring hope for change in this world, not just in music.

5K: If you could lead a national movement, what would it be?

Bella: I don't know what the title would be, but a movement for truth and peace. I don't believe in sugar coating, we can't fix a problem until we acknowledge there is one.

5K: Any last words?

Bella: (To the music critics/fans) Listen and let me earn your loyalty babe. Even those who hate me, love something about me.

Bella - "Came To Party"Listen

Contact Info:

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Saturday, February 5, 2011


The more humanity strays from its’ origin, the more we deny our bond with nature, the farther from perfection we become. We are the only creatures on the planet that use symbols in reference to something else. This documentary shows that we use symbols for absolutely everything the mind can conceive of. There is at least one word or icon or gesture to insinuate everything our five senses can detect and then some. But along with this beautiful gift comes a flaw.

Most people are unwilling to seek and create their own interpretations of these symbols. Instead, they blindly submit to preconceived definitions and connotations given by sources unknown. Because of this, many things have been predetermined in our understanding of life without our knowledge. Words can be perverted and used to manipulate rather than to inform. Symbols can be used to segregate rather than unite. And those given the responsibility and authority to disseminate information to the public possess the ability to do with it as they choose.


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DOWNLOAD OF THE WEEK: Stolen Legacy. by George G. M. James

 Challenging the notion that civilization started in Greece, this uncompromising classic attempts to prove that the true authors of Greek philosophy were not Greeks but Egyptians. The text asserts that the praise and honor blindly given to the Greeks for centuries rightfully belong to the people of Africa, and argues that the theft of this great African legacy led to the erroneous world opinion that the African continent has made no contribution to civilization. Quoting such celebrated Greek scholars as Herodotus, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Thales, and Pythagoras, who admit to the influence of Egyptian studies in their work, this edition sheds new light on traditional philosophical and historical thought. Originally published in 1954, this book features a new introduction


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Is Religion an Insult to Human Dignity?

As you know, i watch documentaries more than Wiz Khalifa rolls blunts.

Today i was watching a documentary called 'The Virus of Faith' and something very interesting/almost mind boggling was said.

"Religion is an insult to human dignity, without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things, but for good people to do evil things, it takes religion"

i think this is a very interesting quote. is it possible religious people commit sin, because they feel they will be forgiven? what do you you guys think?


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Friday, February 4, 2011

OH HELL NAW: 13-Year-Old Attacked & Hung By 7 Classmates

A cell phone video taken in a Philadelphia suburb shows a 13-year-old boy being kicked, dragged through the snow and then hoisted into a tree by his alleged attackers. He tries to run away but is caught again, and the bullies hang him by his jacket on a seven-foot-high metal fence.

Faces have been blurred in the video to protect identities. But the alleged attackers are the victim's classmates, ranging from age 13 to 17, according to police. They captured the victim on his way home from school last month. Six of the alleged attackers have been arrested on charges including kidnapping and false imprisonment, and police are seeking the seventh.

The teen was not seriously injured. A good Samaritan came by, took the victim off of the fence and walked him home.

"They could have killed that kid, impaling him by the neck on that metal barrier. This kid was screaming for help and they beat this's bullying, it's bullying in America at its worst, it's caught on video," Michael Chitwood, the Superintendent of Upper Darby Police, told press.

Chitwood said the arrests at Upper Darby High School are related to a Jan. 11 assault at an apartment complex courtyard. The video was taken by one of the seven alleged attackers.

The teen, whose identity is being withheld, says he was terrified.

"I tried to get out, tried to leave, tried to escape, tried to get up the tree and run away, but even when I did that, got out the tree the first time, they attacked me and they caught me again," the teen told ABC News.

His mom told ABC News, crying, "This is scary man. This is crazy -- there is nothing you can do to protect your own kids. What can I do about it? I'm a single person, I got two hands and two feet. I can't fight a whole group, I can't fight a whole school, I can't fight a whole district."

It's still not clear what prompted the attack, but the teens attended an alternative school together for troubled students.

The district's superintendent released this statement: "Although the news report of this incident may appear to give Upper Darby High School a public relations black eye, please know that the safety of every child in this district is of our utmost importance...I'll take a black eye in the press anytime if it keeps a child safe."

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SOCIAL AWARENESS | Do Black Women Have No Culture? Or Is This Chick Crazy?

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SOCIAL AWARENESS | Self-Hate: The Silent but Deadly Epidemic

There was a time in our culture when a Woman with a natural hairstyle was considered a Queen, a time when we could compliment each other on things we admired, a time when we listened to music to enjoy and not critique. But in the year 2011, for our people, those times are long gone. A Woman with a natural is a "nappy-head", if we like something on someone, instead of complimenting, we find some way to hate, and everything we listen to could have been a little better. If you find yourself spending more time than not criticizing your people, you may suffer from self-hate.

If you are an active Twitter user (like myself), you'll often see #teamlightskin and #teamdarkskin. If you see that, click on it and read all of the ignorant things that follow. I'm all for uplifting and being proud of who you are, but to degrade another group of people, your people, is the epitome of ignorance, and self-hate. We were all #teamnigger at one point. #teamporchmonkey was what the KKK saw in all of us, dark or light. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for all black people, not #teamlightskin. When the water fountains said "Whites Only", there wasn't a sub-text that said "and light-skinned niggers".

Self-Hate causes us to criticize other people according to our own insecurities. Things we hate about ourselves will be the same things we use to bring down someone else. Self-Hate leads to internet bashing, real life bashing, and just all around bitterness. It's something more of us suffer from, than not, and a majority of us are in denial about it. I know, I used to be one of them.

Being someone who used to use Twitter as a place of amusement, I've seen it all. Twitter is a place where people unleash their truest feelings and sometimes own insecurities in forms of the most malicious, disrespectful and degrading matters. If you are plus-size, have darker skin, or unattractive by shallow standards, your best bet would be to stay clear of people who try to make "careers" out of Internet Roasting.

Twitpics, and numerous other sites pass around pictures of innocent and sometimes unknowing people whom a shallow audience would feel is unattractive. I've watched people pick apart some of the most innocent people simply because by shallow society standards, they weren't attractive. So what does this do to our people? It segregates us. It destroys us. And it will eventually eliminate us.

If you are a person who suffers from Self-Hate, most likely you're the person putting lots of time and energy into degrading your people for laughs, but as all these people are laughing with you, remember, one day soon, they'll all be laughing at you.

The point I am trying to make is, if we don't eventually love ourselves as we are, we will die trying to please/become someone/something else. God made us how we are for a reason, and I pray one day we all see how naturally beautiful we are. Self-Hate is another sign that with each generation, we're losing Faith in God, and when he comes back, it could be cookies for us. Think about it...

"Sometimes we talk so much about someone else's reflection, that our mirror gets fogged up and we can't see our own."- Danielyrix

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Monday, January 31, 2011

MENTAL HEALTH | Checklist for Hidden Anger

* Procrastination in the completion of imposed tasks.
* Perpetual or habitual lateness.
* A liking for sadistic or ironic humor.
* Sarcasm, cynicism or flippancy in conversation.
* Frequent sighing.
* over politeness, constant cheerfulness, attitude of "grin and bear it".
* Smiling while hurting.
* Frequent disturbing or frightening dreams.
* Over-controlled monotone speaking voice
* Difficulty in getting to sleep or sleeping through the night.
* Boredom, apathy, loss of interest in things you are usually enthusiastic about.
* Slowing down of movements.
* Getting tired more easily than usual.
* Excessive irritability over trifles.
* Getting drowsy at inappropriate times.
* Sleeping more than usual / maybe 12 to 14 hours a day.
* Waking up tired rather than rested or refreshed.
* Clenched jaws or grinding of the teeth / especially while sleeping.
* Facial tics, spasmodic foot movements, habitual fist clenching and similar repeated physical acts done unintentionally or unaware.
* Chronically stiff or sore neck or shoulder muscles.
* Chronic depression... extended periods of feeling down for no reason.
* Stomach ulcers.


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Saturday, January 29, 2011


Mount Nemrut

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MENTAL HEALTH | 15 Styles of Distorted Thinking

 They say, if you don't know the source, attacking the carrier is always meaningless. Do you often find yourself relying on your intuition? Do you find yourself wrong? Do you say to yourself "well maybe i am over analyzing" or "thinking too much"..well this is for you. There's always a better way to go about everything. Better thinking = Better Life.

 15 Styles of Distorted Thinking
Avoid cognitive distortions that may skew your perception.

1. Filtering: You take the negative details and magnify them, while filtering out all positive aspects of a situation. A single detail may be picked out, and the whole event becomes colored by this detail. When you pull negative things out of context, isolated from all the good experiences around you, you make them larger and more awful than they really are.

2. Polarized Thinking: The hallmark of this distortion is an insistence on dichotomous choices. Things are black or white, good or bad. You tend to perceive everything at the extremes, with very little room for a middle ground. The greatest danger in polarized thinking is its impact on how you judge yourself. For example-You have to be perfect or you're a failure.

3. Overgeneralization: You come to a general conclusion based on a single incident or piece of evidence. If something bad happens once, you expect it to happen over and over again. 'Always' and 'never' are cues that this style of thinking is being utilized. This distortion can lead to a restricted life, as you avoid future failures based on the single incident or event.

4. Mind Reading: Without their saying so, you know what people are feeling and why they act the way they do. In particular, you are able to divine how people are feeling toward you. Mind reading depends on a process called projection. You imagine that people feel the same way you do and react to things the same way you do. Therefore, you don't watch or listen carefully enough to notice that they are actually different. Mind readers jump to conclusions that are true for them, without checking whether they are true for the other person.

5. Catastrophizing: You expect disaster. You notice or hear about a problem and start "what if's." What if that happens to me? What if tragedy strikes? There are no limits to a really fertile catastrophic imagination. An underlying catalyst for this style of thinking is that you do not trust in yourself and your capacity to adapt to change.

6. Personalization: This is the tendency to relate everything around you to yourself. For example, thinking that everything people do or say is some kind of reaction to you. You also compare yourself to others, trying to determine who's smarter, better looking, etc. The underlying assumption is that your worth is in question. You are therefore continually forced to test your value as a person by measuring yourself against others. If you come out better, you get a moment's relief. If you come up short, you feel diminished. The basic thinking error is that you interpret each experience, each conversation, each look as a clue to your worth and value.

7. Control Fallacies: There are two ways you can distort your sense of power and control. If you feel externally controlled, you see yourself as helpless, a victim of fate. The fallacy of internal control has you responsible for the pain and happiness of everyone around you. Feeling externally controlled keeps you stuck. You don't believe you can really affect the basic shape of your life, let alone make any difference in the world. The truth of the matter is that we are constantly making decisions, and that every decision affects our lives. On the other hand, the fallacy of internal control leaves you exhausted as you attempt to fill the needs of everyone around you, and feel responsible in doing so (and guilty when you cannot).

8. Fallacy of Fairness: You feel resentful because you think you know what's fair, but other people won't agree with you. Fairness is so conveniently defined, so temptingly self-serving, that each person gets locked into his or her own point of view. It is tempting to make assumptions about how things would change if people were only fair or really valued you. But the other person hardly ever sees it that way, and you end up causing yourself a lot of pain and an ever-growing resentment.

9. Blaming: You hold other people responsible for your pain, or take the other tack and blame yourself for every problem. Blaming often involves making someone else responsible for choices and decisions that are actually our own responsibility. In blame systems, you deny your right (and responsibility) to assert your needs, say no, or go elsewhere for what you want.

10. Shoulds: You have a list of ironclad rules about how you and other people should act. People who break the rules anger you, and you feel guilty if you violate the rules. The rules are right and indisputable and, as a result, you are often in the position of judging and finding fault (in yourself and in others). Cue words indicating the presence of this distortion are should, ought, and must.

11. Emotional Reasoning: You believe that what you feel must be true-automatically. If you feel stupid or boring, then you must be stupid and boring. If you feel guilty, then you must have done something wrong. The problem with emotional reasoning is that our emotions interact and correlate with our thinking process. Therefore, if you have distorted thoughts and beliefs, your emotions will reflect these distortions.

12. Fallacy of Change: You expect that other people will change to suit you if you just pressure or cajole them enough. You need to change people because your hopes for happiness seem to depend entirely on them. The truth is the only person you can really control or have much hope of changing is yourself. The underlying assumption of this thinking style is that your happiness depends on the actions of others. Your happiness actually depends on the thousands of large and small choices you make in your life.

13. Global Labeling: You generalize one or two qualities (in yourself or others) into a negative global judgment. Global labeling ignores all contrary evidence, creating a view of the world that can be stereotyped and one-dimensional. Labeling yourself can have a negative and insidious impact upon your self-esteem; while labeling others can lead to snap-judgments, relationship problems, and prejudice.

14. Being Right: You feel continually on trial to prove that your opinions and actions are correct. Being wrong is unthinkable and you will go to any length to demonstrate your rightness. Having to be 'right' often makes you hard of hearing. You aren't interested in the possible veracity of a differing opinion, only in defending your own. Being right becomes more important than an honest and caring relationship.

15. Heaven's Reward Fallacy: You expect all your sacrifice and self-denial to pay off, as if there were someone keeping score. You fell bitter when the reward doesn't come as expected. The problem is that while you are always doing the 'right thing,' if your heart really isn't in it, you are physically and emotionally depleting yourself.

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THINK AND INK | Model SayraJuku

 Welp, Guys this right here is indeed special, usually when think model you just think of a pretty face with no substance behind it. When you see a woman with tattoos you automatically assume shes "rebellious", "uncivilized" and other negative stereo types. Model SayraJuku is here to prove you wrong. Hailing from Decatur GA, she's graduating with a 3.7 GPA, She's the Intrum President, Orientation Leader, and also serve as a Liaison as relating issues and ideas between the students, staff and faculty for Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Brains, Beauty, and Ink. yes indeed, on her way to success and she isnt even a "long weave thick redbone" LOL (i had to throw that in there) Check out SayraJuku <  

5K: When did you decide you wanted to pursue a modeling career? 

It started in 2003 or 2004 when i was working at Hooters with some co-workers and a photographer would come in giving us rates to take pictures and when one my friends decided to shoot i did one and liked it and when I started seeing the positive feed back I was getting from my pictures and it's been on every since.

5K: How long have you been in the modeling industry?

I've been in the Industry both (music and modeling) for 7 years

5K: How would you describe your fashion style? 

I can describe my fashion styles and confident and comfortable I like to be in things I can picture myself in and know I will be comfortable when I step out because if im not either one i won't feel good about the day.

5K: What is SayraJuku all about? How would you describe her to your fans? 

SaYrAJuKu is the girl guys dream she's exotic,sexy,and has streets smarts as well as book smarts all tied up into one. I would describe her as bold and she has a way of pulling you in with her eyes its something about her that says when I see her I either like her, want her, want to be her or I just love her!

5K: Explain the ups and downs of the modeling industry for other girls trying to pursue modeling careers? 

When wanting to go into modeling you have to think; What kind of model do you want to become. I see a lot of young girls making the same mistakes I did taking nude pics. It dont seem to start off that way but some kind of way it ended that way if any photographer offers you wine or liquor on set to shoot DO NOT SHOOT! Because when you get older and decided to try it again in a more professional way guess what they're going to bring those pictures back up not to promote you but to EXPLOIT you in a negative light, it has happened to me personally! So take precautions to the hands or eyes you put your reputation in. Always ask for a portfolio to see work of an photographer to see what type of way he/she likes to shoot and NEVER GO ALONE! Always have a guy/girl with you I prefer both so that if the vibe isn't right you have no problem saying 'I'm not comfortable here and Im leaving."

5K: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

In 5 years I want to have had accomplished my ONE goal and that's to be on the cover of a major magazine such as Urban Ink, Black Men, or Vibe maybe all three! Any major hip-hop magazine is fine just fine.

5K: Any last words? 

I would like to Thank You for this opportunity for giving my team NeighborHood Watch and Manager Scherrell B and I a chance to tell the world about SaYrAJuKu she's hot and wants to be known out there. She has been told NO so many many times and to see the vision unfolding now is unexplainable. Also, learn the Industry as a whole and learn the tools of networking, build a team and you can't go wrong.

Contact Info:
Manager: Scherrell B. 678-249-8797
Twitter: @SaYrAJuKu
Main Website:

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WISDOM | An Old Cherokee Tale of Two Wolves

I came across this story, a WHILE back. i stumbled upon it again a few days ago. needless to say, it gives me complete life. and i give the highest praise to the indigenous people because this day in age, people cant seem to see the forest for the trees.

A Grandfather from the Cherokee Nation was talking with his grandson.

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.

"It is a terrible fight between two wolves."

The young grandson listened intently.

"One wolf is evil, unhappy, and ugly: He is anger, envy, war, greed, selfishness, sorrow, regret, guilt, resentment, inferiority/superiority, false pride, coarseness, and arrogance. He spreads lies, deceit, fear, hatred, blame, scarcity, poverty, and divisiveness."

"The other wolf is beautiful and good: He is friendly, joyful, loving, worthy, serene, humble, kind, benevolent, just, fair, empathetic, generous, honest, compassionate, grateful, brave, and inspiring resting wholeheartedly in deep vision beyond ordinary wisdom."

The grandson paused in deep reflection of what his grandfather had just said. Then he exclaimed;

"Oyee! (in recognition).

Grandfather continued;

"This same fight is going on inside you, and inside all human beings as well."

The grandson paused in deep reflection and recognition of what his grandfather had just said.

Then he finally cried out deeply;

"Oyee! Grandfather, which wolf will win this horrific war?"

The elder Cherokee replied,

"The wolf that you feed. That wolf will surely win!"

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TALENT OF THE DAY | Floacist (Former Floetry Member) - Let Me

"trying to scare us with whats natural when were all born supernatural"

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

SAY WORD | Can Female Rappers Reach Mainstream Success Without Male Co-Signs?

Is it possible for a female rapper to reach mainstream success without the cosign of a male predecessor? Well, Dee Vazquez Sits Down With Karen Civil, B.Dot, Lady Luck, Nina B and Lola Monroe to discuss the issue.

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HUSTLE.PRAY.LOVE | Interview with On The Rise Femcee Vickee Valle

I could go on and on..but somethings just honestly need no introduction, i just want to say...get acquainted now. Don't wait until this young lady is the next big female MC. that is all

Caspa Narkz Feat Vickee Valle- Take This World Offical Music Video

Interview Below

5K: How did you get into rapping?

I use to watch my brothers coming up, and when my fathr got locked up i started writing my letters in rap form...thats kinda where it started..

5K: When did you decide you wanted to take rapping seriously and pursue the music industry?

I decided to take rapping seriously in 2005, i did a song which was kinda like the first official real song i did and it caught the attention of missy elliottt.

5K: You made a freestyle for Nicki Minaj which got over 30k views on did it feel being prophetic, saying it would happen, now shes the Top Female rapper right now?

Over 60,000 lol... ummm, to actually see it come to fruition, and just not even knowing what the outcome was gonna be was how strongly i felt her music..whether she won or had lost, i'd still listen to her as an underground artist, i've always since first listen fell in luv wit the music and having the chance to see it grow is an experience i'll never forget.

5K: Will you give yourself that same energy as Nicki? Do you see yourself one day being a Queen of Hip Hop?

10x that , i owe it to myself. Of Course i do, i have no choice but be the best at what and how i do cuz cant nobody do me how i do me..which is alwayz gonna make me the best at it.

5K: So you dropped the V.I.P mixtape a while ago, how would you describe V.I.P and Vickee Vallee to old and new fans?

VIP is Me, its street its real, its struggle its pain..its everything i can sum up in 19 tracks of who i am. it's V.ickee P.erson literally. VickeeValle is whso everyone see's by the clothes the swagg the cocky aura given off, the party girl the stuuna. But underneath it all im usually judged off how i once ppl get to know vickeeinperson their like ohhh she mad cool! lol

5K: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In less than that i'll be conquering it.

5K: Any last words?

Special thanks to everyone that always take time out to listen to my music because its never an obligation so i thank you, shout to my lyrics and loyalty fam, shoutout to my muse, my family, friends and fans. I will Deliver!

 Contact Info:
    Twitter: @dez803
    Main Website:

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DOCUMENTARY | Kymatica - Your True Purpose In Life, The Ego, Logos & Creation *MUST WATCH*

Sequel to the popular film Esoteric Agenda, this movie focuses on human and universal consciousness and points out a psychic disease that mankind has induced that is creating insane illusions which is allegedly the main cause of pain and suffering. Kymatica goes deeper into the metaphysical aspects of reality and connects ancient myths and history with modern ways of society and political outcome. Explains shamanism, duality, and reality behind DNAs and modern false beliefs. Kymatica is another movie which attempts to point out the fundamental misconception that humankind are facing today that has resulted in imbalance between planet, nature and species. Made by filmmaker Ben Stewart. Click "Read More" to watch film"

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Monday, January 24, 2011

POSITIVITY | Start an Affirmation Journal, Become A Better YOU

In the words of Zig Ziglar "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily". I stumbled upon something amazing. Daily, Weekly or Monthly affirmations. Whats is an affirmation? an affirmation is a declaration of truth. Instead of fear, what are some positive things you can affirm? is it love? accomplishing a goal? paying a late bill? getting good grades in school? Well, whatever you desire, its never too late to knock fear out the ring and accept all good the universe has to offer in abundance. For starters i think everyone should create an affirmation journal rather it be physical or mental. Everyday, weekly or monthly you should work on manifesting one affirmation, if you can do more wonderful. If your not familiar with affirmations, don't worry 5K has you covered. 

Lets say you want to work on a better love life (don't we all lol)

 Negative Affirmations

"f*ck love", 
"love don't live here" 
"i hate love" 

Positive Affirmations

"I attract only healthy relationships"
"I release any desperation and allow love to find me"
"I am deserving of Love and i accept this today"

Now lets say you want to work on inner peace (don't we all, again lol)

 Negative Affirmations

"life is a b*tch"
"we only live to day"
"i don't give a f*uck, live fast die young"

Positive Affirmations
"I am at peace"
"I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life."
"Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises" 

Do you get the gist now? basically if you want something out of the universe, claim it, visualize it, speak it, write it down,  and act towards it. Think to yourself, is you current behavior and thought pattern a good representation of the positivity you desire? if not, you know what to do. Its either now or never.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

SOCIAL AWARENESS | Lauryn Hill Speaks

"I Pray More For Understanding then to be Understood"

Watch L.Hill Speak

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Friday, January 21, 2011

HUSTLE.PRAY.LOVE | Interview with Self Published Author Ms Botta Bing

I guess the name is pretty much self explanatory. 5K got the chance to chop it up with the lovely Detroit native and self published author Ms Botta Bing. She just Released her debut novel "Its Not Worth It" but dont worry. She aint thru! *Keyshia Cole voice*


5K: When did you develop the passion for writing?

I developed a passion for writing at a very young age.  I started writing short stories as early as 5 years old as a hobby.  It was always an outlet for my imagination and something that I happened to be good at.

5K: When did you decide you wanted to pursue being an author?

I always thought about being an author just because of the fact that I love writing so much.  I would always start writing books, but wouldn't get around to finishing them.  Even then, I was only doing it leisurely, without ever really sharing my work with anyone.  I think what made me realize that I really wanted to pursue a career as an author was when it hit me in college that none of the things I was studying interested me.  I jumped from majoring in Spanish, in hopes of being a translator, then to computer sciences, and then all the way to Pre-Pharm.  All of those subjects bored me to death and that was when I really understood that whatever I chose to pursue should be something I absolutely love and something I can see myself doing every single day.  It wasn't hard after coming to that realization, that I wanted to pursue becoming an author.

5K: I see you're from Detroit, MI, pretty tough place I heard. How did your environment help shape you for success?

Lol.  I love my city, but yes, I guess you can say it's pretty tough.  I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for the things that surround me.  The abundance of talent around me inspires me to strive to reach my full potential, while the negativity that comes with growing up in Detroit simply gives me drive to want to rise above the reputation that us natives are given, and prove people wrong.  Aside from that, "It's Not Worth It" is set in Detroit, so it gave me a lot to write about! =) 

5K: Who is your favorite author? What is your favorite genre of literature?

There are so many authors and genres that I love.  I don't like to stick to one style when it comes reading, but I have to say urban fiction is the most relatable to me.  The first book I read of that genre was by Sista Souljah, so I'll give my favorite author award to her! =) I feel like this style of writing is completely under rated, and deserves as much recognition as any other good piece of art.

5K: So you just released a book “It's Not Worth It”. How would you describe it to old and new fans that want to support you?

"It's Not Worth It," tells a story that just about anybody can relate to, especially teens and young adults living in urban cities.  It's about a typical young girl, just reaching adulthood, who thinks she's above everybody else and refuses to be told any different.  She ends up having to learn some life lessons in ways that she could have avoided, but as a result of her actions things get out of her control.  I say everyone can relate because if they haven't been in a similar situation, they know someone who has.  It's just about growing up, making mistakes, and learning valuable lessons from your experiences.  It teaches a lesson in a unique way that leaves you wanting to know what's about to happen next.  It's a must read for urban fiction lovers! 

5K: So your a self published author. Explain the ups and downs of being self published.

I love that I chose this route because I have been able to do everything on my own time and to my own liking.  It is tough though being a "one man show," because I have literally done just about everything myself with little guidance.  I'm not complaining though, because my independent approach has invited a lot of people who are experienced to reach out to me.  I'm learning a lot about this industry. If I weren't doing things on my own I would still be in the dark about about a lot of things.  This way is really shaping me to face the publishing companies soon. ;-) 

5K: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years I see myself at a comfortable state in my writing career, yet still improving, and still expanding my business endeavors.  I would love to have a best seller out there by then. 
5K: Any last words?

I would like to thank 5ive Koncepts and all others who are supporting me and recognizing my efforts.  I truly appreciate the support!

Contact Info

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SOCIAL AWARENESS | Social Networking Further Condemning the Black Community?

  Yesterday, i read something incredibly appalling but at the same time not surprising none the least.  I was over on bossip reading an article on how studies showing black trending topics are overwhelmingly negative. What makes my skin crawl is the fact that they are actually studying the ignorance of the black community. I rarely see articles and studies on positive efforts and grassroots organizations. You can bet nine times out of ten a person of color is in the media its because of ignorance but who's to blame? 

  I feel like our own people are to blame for our mainstream and publicized doom and gloom. Black people fail to realize we are ALWAYS under the scope. That doesn't mean not be who you are because your afraid of scrutiny, but that doesn't mean act a damn fool either. I feel like we need to do better when it comes to thinking before we act, not only just from our perspective but from three perspectives. What I'm saying has nothing to do with the “white man”, I'm just saying this social media ordeal especially is a trap.   

Think of how many people come by your profiles daily, now imagine all the ignorant things you say, now imagine all the opportunities you miss because you’ve turned some unknown person off. Ok the first thought will be “cant miss nothing i never had”, newsflash, yes you can, especially for those of you who call yourselves artists, entrepreneurs etc you miss out on so many potential clients, investors, fans, etc because of your nonsense.

I would say save the drama for your residence but as a community there is entirely TOO MUCH DRAMA. For some of us black people the drama is just never ending. Drama at home, drama at school, drama at work, drama on facebook and twitter, drama at church not too mention all the internal drama many of us have. To me it just looks like black people need to find our peace because if we don't we are headed for doom. Its bad enough even me writing this article is sacrifice, i want to have fun and be just as ignorant as they come but honestly our generation cannot afford any more foolery.

If you look back between the 1960s and 90s there was so much accomplished for blacks on a social and political scale. Those days we had people in the community willing to lead, stand up, take that risk, be the public enemy and FIGHT THE POWER. Nowadays no one wants to do a muthafucking thing but be famous and be famous for being a damn fool at that. Just turning on the Tell-LIE-Vision (TV) or logging on social networking is disgraceful. Where is that Black pride and self respect we once had?

Instead of supporting truth, peace, positivity and social awareness, people rather support the ignorance. Its a shame i feel like my own people will riot for food stamps and unemployment being cut rather than riot for police brutality and social/political injustice. With this being said, will the New Black Leaders please rise and take your positions?

Sincerely, FB

Click HERE for bossip article 

written by Feathers Scott for 5IVE KONCEPTS©

Follow Me On Twitter @5IVEKONCEPTS

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

HUSTLE.PRAY.LOVE | Interview with Atlanta Promoter KD

I've got the chance to chop it up with KD,a promoter/designer from Brooklyn, living out his dreams in Atlanta. I'm simply amazed with this interview, very engaging. You'll want to read it over and over again. Nevertheless, be on the lookout KD is clearly going places.

5K: Out of all things, why a career in promotion, especially at a young age?

I am blessed to be involved with a lot of people around my age that have their sights set on having an impact, not only in the city, but worldwide. Although its just a start, promotion gives us the opportunity to enhance our network, and the skills needed to build it, it also opens doors into other fields allowing those interested to dabble in any realm of entertainment that they find comfortable.

5K: When did you decide you wanted to pursue the entertainment industry?

I decided this in my freshman year of college doing some light promotion for another entertainment company in the city called After money Entertainment. I started to notice that the entertainment industry is one where the work you do is directly proportional to the results you get. I knew then I have a strong circle of friends and business partners for my age, so we put our thoughts together and made it happen.

5K: I see your from Brooklyn, how was the move from NY to Atlanta? Do you plan on going back?

I was a kid, of course I didn’t want to leave my friends and what not, but Atlanta is a blessing. I wouldn’t have it any other way at the moment. I visit NY every year frequently so I don’t think I’m missing much, and I do plan on going back to live in the future.

5K: Your the CEO of PaperbOy entertainment, a promotion company based n ATL, how is that on a day to day basis?

Actually Co-Ceo shouts to my partner @KarlOfDuty. On a day-to-day basis things are more behind the scenes for me, a lot of phone calls, and decisions to make. I work closely with a lot of other CEO’s and often times my day is spent figuring out what we should do next with our weekly events to keep them fresh (Club Primal Thursdays Club Obsessions Friday and Primetime 2.0 Sundays) – Our current weekly lineup Had to throw it in there!

Its hard mixing it with school because I find myself at war over which is more important. I’m responsible for making sure everyone knows what events we have coming up, and thinking of new ways to brand our company. However I have a strong frontline that helps me out with anything whenever I may be in a bind.

5K: Promo is such a polluted industry. How to you rise above the competition?

Simply put, we are different than a lot of promoters, and it’s a new game. Without saying too much, I believe we rise above competition by being persistent, and trying to outwork the competition. Also, the name paperbOy holds it’s own weight and keeps people partying with us.

Also, our team is very diverse and it helps us to bring out different types of people anywhere we go whether its in a hood area or a relatively upscale one, we have the ability to draw from all crowds.

5K: I'm sure people would love to know, whats the difference between a REAL promoter, a FAKE promoter and a GREAT promoter, explain each and what do you consider yourself?

The difference between a real promoter and a fake promoter is consistency in my opinion. We have events year round, whether is hot, cold, raining, snowing etc!

Fake promoters on the other hand pop up every now and then with makeshift events trying to squeeze a dollar out. Some only do events in the summer because they don’t have too many worries about the weather. They do events at spots where we all know nobody is going regardless of how the party is promoted. Fake promoters are usually the ones who try to cut corners not realizing that the only way to see continual success is by giving your crowd exactly what they request.

Great promoters are established, have been doing this for years and have the network and the net worth to prove it. They have paid dues, and put in work that is undeniable by anyone else in the industry. Most important great promoters have a following that is reflective of all the time they have put into branding their companies and or events.

In all honesty I hate the term promoter and wish it wasn’t used for our field. It has come to have a negative meaning in Atlanta due to how saturated the market it. If I had to choose I’d call myself a decent promoter, I have never been able to give promo 100 % due to school.

5K: Do you have any other talents that your hiding or plan to bring to the forefront?

Hmmmm.. I write, and it’s solely for me, one of those talents that will stay hidden!

I am also the president/Head of Marketing for an up and coming clothing line based in NY and ATL named Charlie Appleseed follow the brand @charlieapplesNY

5K: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Tough one. In 5 years I’ll be 26. I see myself finishing up a masters degree, beginning to see some of the benefits from our clothing line, and still doing what is necessary to keep paperbOy relevant.
I would like to start a family around that time but we’ll see.

5K: Any last words?

Our generation has a lot on our shoulders; if we don’t make the change there won’t be one. I think all young people should look into starting their own businesses of some sort especially those of African American decent. The world isn’t made in our favor, I always use this example when people ask if I would really pursue work in the corporate world.

Why climb a ladder that someone else built and has the freedom to chop down whenever they please whether your still on it or not, when you could just build your own?

Contact Info: 
Phone: 404 671 7416 Kd
Twitter: @paperbOykd

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

HUSTLE.PRAY.LOVE | Interview with Designer/Illustrator Asia Horton

So i finally got the chance to chop it with the so amazing Miss Asia Horton also known as Asiey Barbie, pretty much the girl is SO DOPE with these illustrations. She has done work for a few of your favorite celebs such as Nicki Minaj. Full Interview below

5K: So can you tell the readers about who you are and what your art represents?
Of course! My name is Asia, also known as "asieybarbie", and I am a freelance illustrator. My artwork represents me, what I love, and what I feel through my own personal style. I don't necessarily define and limit my artwork as one style: sometimes it's cartoony, sometimes realistic, other times just simplistic :-)

5K: How long have you been drawing and illustrating?
I've been drawing mostly all my life, but have been at it seriously for about 10+ years.

5K: So Nicki Minaj used your illustration as her itunes cover for her Hit Single "Your Love", how did that feel?
It felt so amazing, I was completely ecstatic! I honestly would have never thought that drawing in particular would represent a hit single. Especially when I thought no one would really see it when I uploaded it. When she called me personally to tell me she wanted it as the cover, I was just overjoyed!

5K: Ive seen some of your comic book illustrations, simply amazing. Do you plan on going further with that? i think that would honestly be cool!

Thank you so much! I definitely hope to go further with it. I actually have multiple comic roughs and sketches that I have lying around in my room, and hopefully I'll be able to get around to completing some soon and uploading them!

5K: Do you sell your illustrations and drawings just in case 5K readers want to support your craft?
Absolutely! I am always open for commission work, in which I can be contacted through e-mail for my art services. And also, I have some apparel of my work available for purchase at:

5K: How can supporters best contact you?
I can be best contacted through my e-mail, which is: Or my Twitter page, @asieybarbie.

5K: Any last words?
 I just want to thank everyone for their continued support in my artwork. I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!

[ Thank you so much for this interview, Fee! :-) ]

Asia Kendrick-Horton
freelance illustrator.

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