Dear Black People. You're NOT Mixed. Accept It!
Black people worldwide also known as the African Diaspora love to use labels. status and other excuses to escape their blackness. Historically every time we try to do such a thing we are always reminded of just how Black African we actually are. One particular epidemic in the global black community is us trying to get out of being Black by claiming we're mixed or not black at all.

Onto us Africans in America, oh how we LOVE the mixed label. How many times have you heard us claim to have the tall grandmother with the long jet black hair from the Cherokee Nation? 1 million times to many, I've even told this story myself when i was subconsciously self loathing. Sorry to burst the bubble but studies have found out of 36 million Africans in America less than 100 thousand of us has any Native blood in us, and most of them aren't more than 5% Native (read here). According to the 2010 census Native Americans themselves are only a very small 0.9% of the entire US population (here) themselves (almost extinct). To burst another bubble as of August 2011 the Cherokee Nation we all love to claim revoked Black membership from the Tribe, they don't want you (read here).
Another thing that burns my soul is when people assume you're mixed because your beautiful, if you do your research the continent of Africa has so many beautiful black women who are nothing more than black. Beautiful Black women just can't be black? Sadly a lot of black women play into it..."I'm Blasian" the only thing Asian about you is the fact that you frequent the Korean beauty supply, secondly looking Asiatic does not mean your're of Asian descent, the Khoi, Khoisan & Xhosa people of South Africa, who are Black but look very Asiatic are where the people we know today as the "Asians" came from (read here), the also have a similar click language oriental languages derived from. There are many more points that i could make but i don't have the time, I just wish we'd stop trying to escape who we are, We are only as Indian as the "Indian Remy" we wear...We are only as Asian as the General Tsos chicken that comes with the fried rice and egg roll during lunch hour. We are only as French as the fries on the Mcdonald's dollar menu.
You're Black Accept It, because if you don't eventually you'll be forced to.
Rest In Peace to the hundreds of millions of Africans lost during the Black Holocaust also known as the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. Rest the souls of the Africans who fought for freedom in the South African Aparthied. Respect to the Africans who revolted for freedom in Haiti, The Africans who fought for equality during the Civil Rights movemnts in America...
They did not risk their lives and freedom for the atrocities we commit against ourselves, one another and the motherland daily.