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Saturday, February 5, 2011


The more humanity strays from its’ origin, the more we deny our bond with nature, the farther from perfection we become. We are the only creatures on the planet that use symbols in reference to something else. This documentary shows that we use symbols for absolutely everything the mind can conceive of. There is at least one word or icon or gesture to insinuate everything our five senses can detect and then some. But along with this beautiful gift comes a flaw.

Most people are unwilling to seek and create their own interpretations of these symbols. Instead, they blindly submit to preconceived definitions and connotations given by sources unknown. Because of this, many things have been predetermined in our understanding of life without our knowledge. Words can be perverted and used to manipulate rather than to inform. Symbols can be used to segregate rather than unite. And those given the responsibility and authority to disseminate information to the public possess the ability to do with it as they choose.


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DOWNLOAD OF THE WEEK: Stolen Legacy. by George G. M. James

 Challenging the notion that civilization started in Greece, this uncompromising classic attempts to prove that the true authors of Greek philosophy were not Greeks but Egyptians. The text asserts that the praise and honor blindly given to the Greeks for centuries rightfully belong to the people of Africa, and argues that the theft of this great African legacy led to the erroneous world opinion that the African continent has made no contribution to civilization. Quoting such celebrated Greek scholars as Herodotus, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Thales, and Pythagoras, who admit to the influence of Egyptian studies in their work, this edition sheds new light on traditional philosophical and historical thought. Originally published in 1954, this book features a new introduction


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Is Religion an Insult to Human Dignity?

As you know, i watch documentaries more than Wiz Khalifa rolls blunts.

Today i was watching a documentary called 'The Virus of Faith' and something very interesting/almost mind boggling was said.

"Religion is an insult to human dignity, without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things, but for good people to do evil things, it takes religion"

i think this is a very interesting quote. is it possible religious people commit sin, because they feel they will be forgiven? what do you you guys think?


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Friday, February 4, 2011

OH HELL NAW: 13-Year-Old Attacked & Hung By 7 Classmates

A cell phone video taken in a Philadelphia suburb shows a 13-year-old boy being kicked, dragged through the snow and then hoisted into a tree by his alleged attackers. He tries to run away but is caught again, and the bullies hang him by his jacket on a seven-foot-high metal fence.

Faces have been blurred in the video to protect identities. But the alleged attackers are the victim's classmates, ranging from age 13 to 17, according to police. They captured the victim on his way home from school last month. Six of the alleged attackers have been arrested on charges including kidnapping and false imprisonment, and police are seeking the seventh.

The teen was not seriously injured. A good Samaritan came by, took the victim off of the fence and walked him home.

"They could have killed that kid, impaling him by the neck on that metal barrier. This kid was screaming for help and they beat this's bullying, it's bullying in America at its worst, it's caught on video," Michael Chitwood, the Superintendent of Upper Darby Police, told press.

Chitwood said the arrests at Upper Darby High School are related to a Jan. 11 assault at an apartment complex courtyard. The video was taken by one of the seven alleged attackers.

The teen, whose identity is being withheld, says he was terrified.

"I tried to get out, tried to leave, tried to escape, tried to get up the tree and run away, but even when I did that, got out the tree the first time, they attacked me and they caught me again," the teen told ABC News.

His mom told ABC News, crying, "This is scary man. This is crazy -- there is nothing you can do to protect your own kids. What can I do about it? I'm a single person, I got two hands and two feet. I can't fight a whole group, I can't fight a whole school, I can't fight a whole district."

It's still not clear what prompted the attack, but the teens attended an alternative school together for troubled students.

The district's superintendent released this statement: "Although the news report of this incident may appear to give Upper Darby High School a public relations black eye, please know that the safety of every child in this district is of our utmost importance...I'll take a black eye in the press anytime if it keeps a child safe."

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SOCIAL AWARENESS | Do Black Women Have No Culture? Or Is This Chick Crazy?

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SOCIAL AWARENESS | Self-Hate: The Silent but Deadly Epidemic

There was a time in our culture when a Woman with a natural hairstyle was considered a Queen, a time when we could compliment each other on things we admired, a time when we listened to music to enjoy and not critique. But in the year 2011, for our people, those times are long gone. A Woman with a natural is a "nappy-head", if we like something on someone, instead of complimenting, we find some way to hate, and everything we listen to could have been a little better. If you find yourself spending more time than not criticizing your people, you may suffer from self-hate.

If you are an active Twitter user (like myself), you'll often see #teamlightskin and #teamdarkskin. If you see that, click on it and read all of the ignorant things that follow. I'm all for uplifting and being proud of who you are, but to degrade another group of people, your people, is the epitome of ignorance, and self-hate. We were all #teamnigger at one point. #teamporchmonkey was what the KKK saw in all of us, dark or light. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for all black people, not #teamlightskin. When the water fountains said "Whites Only", there wasn't a sub-text that said "and light-skinned niggers".

Self-Hate causes us to criticize other people according to our own insecurities. Things we hate about ourselves will be the same things we use to bring down someone else. Self-Hate leads to internet bashing, real life bashing, and just all around bitterness. It's something more of us suffer from, than not, and a majority of us are in denial about it. I know, I used to be one of them.

Being someone who used to use Twitter as a place of amusement, I've seen it all. Twitter is a place where people unleash their truest feelings and sometimes own insecurities in forms of the most malicious, disrespectful and degrading matters. If you are plus-size, have darker skin, or unattractive by shallow standards, your best bet would be to stay clear of people who try to make "careers" out of Internet Roasting.

Twitpics, and numerous other sites pass around pictures of innocent and sometimes unknowing people whom a shallow audience would feel is unattractive. I've watched people pick apart some of the most innocent people simply because by shallow society standards, they weren't attractive. So what does this do to our people? It segregates us. It destroys us. And it will eventually eliminate us.

If you are a person who suffers from Self-Hate, most likely you're the person putting lots of time and energy into degrading your people for laughs, but as all these people are laughing with you, remember, one day soon, they'll all be laughing at you.

The point I am trying to make is, if we don't eventually love ourselves as we are, we will die trying to please/become someone/something else. God made us how we are for a reason, and I pray one day we all see how naturally beautiful we are. Self-Hate is another sign that with each generation, we're losing Faith in God, and when he comes back, it could be cookies for us. Think about it...

"Sometimes we talk so much about someone else's reflection, that our mirror gets fogged up and we can't see our own."- Danielyrix

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Monday, January 31, 2011

MENTAL HEALTH | Checklist for Hidden Anger

* Procrastination in the completion of imposed tasks.
* Perpetual or habitual lateness.
* A liking for sadistic or ironic humor.
* Sarcasm, cynicism or flippancy in conversation.
* Frequent sighing.
* over politeness, constant cheerfulness, attitude of "grin and bear it".
* Smiling while hurting.
* Frequent disturbing or frightening dreams.
* Over-controlled monotone speaking voice
* Difficulty in getting to sleep or sleeping through the night.
* Boredom, apathy, loss of interest in things you are usually enthusiastic about.
* Slowing down of movements.
* Getting tired more easily than usual.
* Excessive irritability over trifles.
* Getting drowsy at inappropriate times.
* Sleeping more than usual / maybe 12 to 14 hours a day.
* Waking up tired rather than rested or refreshed.
* Clenched jaws or grinding of the teeth / especially while sleeping.
* Facial tics, spasmodic foot movements, habitual fist clenching and similar repeated physical acts done unintentionally or unaware.
* Chronically stiff or sore neck or shoulder muscles.
* Chronic depression... extended periods of feeling down for no reason.
* Stomach ulcers.


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