5K: When did you develop the passion for writing?
I developed a passion for writing at a very young age. I started writing short stories as early as 5 years old as a hobby. It was always an outlet for my imagination and something that I happened to be good at.
5K: When did you decide you wanted to pursue being an author?

I always thought about being an author just because of the fact that I love writing so much. I would always start writing books, but wouldn't get around to finishing them. Even then, I was only doing it leisurely, without ever really sharing my work with anyone. I think what made me realize that I really wanted to pursue a career as an author was when it hit me in college that none of the things I was studying interested me. I jumped from majoring in Spanish, in hopes of being a translator, then to computer sciences, and then all the way to Pre-Pharm. All of those subjects bored me to death and that was when I really understood that whatever I chose to pursue should be something I absolutely love and something I can see myself doing every single day. It wasn't hard after coming to that realization, that I wanted to pursue becoming an author.
5K: I see you're from Detroit, MI, pretty tough place I heard. How did your environment help shape you for success?
Lol. I love my city, but yes, I guess you can say it's pretty tough. I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for the things that surround me. The abundance of talent around me inspires me to strive to reach my full potential, while the negativity that comes with growing up in Detroit simply gives me drive to want to rise above the reputation that us natives are given, and prove people wrong. Aside from that, "It's Not Worth It" is set in Detroit, so it gave me a lot to write about! =)
5K: Who is your favorite author? What is your favorite genre of literature?
There are so many authors and genres that I love. I don't like to stick to one style when it comes reading, but I have to say urban fiction is the most relatable to me. The first book I read of that genre was by Sista Souljah, so I'll give my favorite author award to her! =) I feel like this style of writing is completely under rated, and deserves as much recognition as any other good piece of art.
5K: So you just released a book “It's Not Worth It”. How would you describe it to old and new fans that want to support you?

"It's Not Worth It," tells a story that just about anybody can relate to, especially teens and young adults living in urban cities. It's about a typical young girl, just reaching adulthood, who thinks she's above everybody else and refuses to be told any different. She ends up having to learn some life lessons in ways that she could have avoided, but as a result of her actions things get out of her control. I say everyone can relate because if they haven't been in a similar situation, they know someone who has. It's just about growing up, making mistakes, and learning valuable lessons from your experiences. It teaches a lesson in a unique way that leaves you wanting to know what's about to happen next. It's a must read for urban fiction lovers!
5K: So your a self published author. Explain the ups and downs of being self published.
I love that I chose this route because I have been able to do everything on my own time and to my own liking. It is tough though being a "one man show," because I have literally done just about everything myself with little guidance. I'm not complaining though, because my independent approach has invited a lot of people who are experienced to reach out to me. I'm learning a lot about this industry. If I weren't doing things on my own I would still be in the dark about about a lot of things. This way is really shaping me to face the publishing companies soon. ;-)
5K: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I see myself at a comfortable state in my writing career, yet still improving, and still expanding my business endeavors. I would love to have a best seller out there by then.
5K: Any last words?
I would like to thank 5ive Koncepts and all others who are supporting me and recognizing my efforts. I truly appreciate the support!
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